Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Chapter 32 Blog Post

Chapter 32 begins to trace back on the topics that we have covered in the past. You can tell that the book is now finally coming to an end because the book is now summarizing an cross interpreting topics we have already covered. For example the chapter 26's loan-able markets concept and chapter 31's export and imports. This being the case, I felt as though I could easily get this chapter since this was a stuff we have already talked about it to an extent.

I think that the only thing that made this chapter a little more difficult than the rest of the chapters was the implementation of the supply and the demand curve. This is the much more different than the supply curve shown in the previous chapter so this completely messed me up. After trying so hard to grasp the curves and the logic behind them, I feel that this is contradicting them and this ultimately will mess me up during the ap free response testing.

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