Sunday, February 5, 2017

Chapter 28 Blog Post

This chapter covers the topic of unemployed. Despite the common knowledge that there is a work force and people can choose to be in or out of it, not many people know what necessarily constitutes being in or out of the work force. This chapter uncovers all of the truths behind unemployment and the many different factors that are taken into consideration to qualify for unemployment aid (money from the government). From tis we also discussed the many different ways that people try to cheat the system such as faking attempt to get a real job, or getting paid under the table. This brings up many debatable topics but for the purposes of keeping the chapter concise they keep the controversy to a minimum.

I think that this chapter was not very difficult to understand. This is something that many of us in the class are familiar with, (the concept, to the situation). I think that the reading was pretty straight forward, however I know that this, much like all of Econ, will be hard to comprehend on a test. I hope to finally be able to go in during my free periods (3rd and 4th) to receive assistance so that my grade doesn't drop soon in the second semester.

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