Sunday, October 23, 2016

Chapter 11 Blog Post

Shahid Monametsi

This chapter was very interesting in my opinion. Despite not having any complicated math behind the concept, I still find that there are some concepts that may trip me up on the test. I understand the terms "rival in consumption" and "excludability", however I have troubles trying to sort the 4 categories of goods. Natural monopolies always confuse as I still don't quite understand how they are not rival in consumptions thus leading me to mix them up with private goods. I am also confused by the difference between tragedy of the commons and the free rider problem. I understand when and how they are both applicable, yet I fail to see the difference in the two ideas. This most likely won't be a problem on a quiz  however it was definitely something that puzzled me throughout the reading.

Overall this chapter was fairly simple. I can see how it might be viewed as a little more difficult than the  previous chapters however I found it overall to be very comprehendible. I for the most part discusses the ideas of moral and common sense so if ever in doubt I know that I could reason through a question which I find comforting.

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