Monday, October 10, 2016

Chapter 8 Blog Post

Shahid Monametsi

Chapter 8 was not at all a very difficult chapter to grasp. It was really just an extension of the previous two chapter which talked broadly of the idea of taxes. This chapter simply verified the idea that taxes kind of screw over both the buyer and the seller. I have yet to come up with an actually proposal however I feel like there should be a better way to fund for public amenities.

I suppose this chapter did introduce the two new ideas though: the concept of deadweight loss and Laffer's model. I don't actually understand how we might be tested on the model however I feel as though I understood the meaning of the curve. It makes sense that there is a "sweet spot" in the sense that too little levied leads to no benefit and too much may result in economic chaos. deadweight loss makes me once again question the efficiency of tax, but I understand how to calculate it nonetheless.

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