Sunday, September 25, 2016

Crisis Actors Review

This articles basically spoke to the idea that we have these people that speak whenever disasters happen. These "actors" then go on to blow certain situations out of proportion thus making the public freak out unnecessarily, by appealing to the general public's emotions. The article did however talk about how so much of what goes on is a lie, how public speaking is a "lying game" and how we as human beings have the ability to either take these events with a grain of salt, or play along. This idea actually reminded me of an episode of 30 Rock where the producers of the tv stations (CNN) were trying to sway viewers' emotions by making up false tragedies. While it was meant to be comedic I feel as though the message aligned perfectly with that of this article.

This topic was admittedly a lot more content heavy than what I was expecting when I was preparing to complete the assignment. I found myself re- reading sections either because I wan't too clear on the content, or simply out of shock that the writer was saying such things. Overall I found the topic of crisis actors and other conspiracy theories truly interesting, however the I found the tone of the piece fairly dark.

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