Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Chapter 6 Blog Post

Despite struggling to grasp the concept of elasticity until the near end, I am happy to move on. I found that chapter 5 required a little too much calculating for my liking which brings me to why I thoroughly enjoyed chapter 6. This chapter discussed the effect that the government has on demand and supply. It reiterates one of the ten principles again (government can benefit the market) to show just how well the government can effect the quantity demanded of supplied for goods. I thought that this chapter for the most part was easier to follow, because there were real life examples with every term. Not only does this show the practically/ real world application of the idea, but also helps me personally understand the term(s).

Overall I think the policy making and theoretical aspect of economics is a lot easier, and I think that this chapter was much easier to digest. I actually really found the bit on taxes and who ends up paying the most from that system. I hope to talk more about the elastic and inelastic properties of this section though, because that was definitely one portion that confused me.

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