Sunday, January 8, 2017

Chapter 23 Blog Post

This chapter begins by differentiating between microeconomics and macroeconomics. After having spent the first half of the schools learning about micro it was nice to look back at the definition, because it reminds you the purpose of everything you've learned.

The new information in this chapter covers Gross Domestic Product and the many markets that contribute to a nation's GDP. I thought that this all seemed fairly similar as we have covered something similar to the flow chart in the micro section of econ. It also made sense that black market products did not contribute as they are not sold over the counter/ legally. While I knew about the Gross Domestic Product and its use before this chapter I had no idea that there were different types or about GDP Deflator. I don't quite understand the reason for there being two different measurement, but I acknowledge them. I like how the book thought to finish off by saying economically well off does not equate to happiness. This seems to be a common debate, and I found it interesting that the book even felt the need to bring that up.

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